Monday, May 27, 2013

DAY 45: Easter Break- Mt. Maunganui and the Drive From Hell

FUN FACT #18: While at Global Links Orientation, our leader (a Kiwi) showed us a YouTube video that apparently had been the butt of so many jokes a few years ago. He showed it to us not knowing how far we were going to take it. The man in the video has no teeth, so when he says "Next Minute" he sounds like he is saying "Nek Minnut". For whatever reason, we thought this was hilarious. And we continue to say it today.

Back to the story though. So we woke up early and skiddadled before we saw too many naked people. It was a few hours ride to Maunganui Beach, which I had been to during my Global Links Orientation. The volcano that resides over the beach is called Mt. Maunganui, and it is a short 35 minute hike to the top. It is a pretty hike with views of the ocean on one side and the city on the other.

After we stretched our legs, we got back in the car to continue on our journey to Lake Waikeremoana. The old naked guy at the nudist colony had told us that the ride would be pretty wild, but I don't think we were quite so prepared as we should have been. We filled the car up at the last gas station shown on the GPS and immediately hit dirt road.

5 hours of pot holes, one lane bridges, falling rock signs and the most twisty dirt roads I've ever driven on came next. Luckily, it was a beautiful afternoon and I don't get car sick! Yay me! Sarah was not so lucky, be we gave her shot gun and she was fine.

FUN FACT #19: New Zealand has no indigenous mammals. As an island, the only animals that exist are their special native birds. Europeans brought with them certain birds and animals that have taken over, but as far as mammals go, New Zealand is fairly limited. There are wild pigs, very few deer, and possums everywhere. I had a hard time adjusting to this thought- I was always wary not to leave garbage out for fear of bears and coyotes (such a Vermonter).

So we are driving around on this road from Hell, and we say, "Well it's a good thing there are no mammals in New Zealand. We don't really have to worry about hitting any deer!"

NEK MINUT There's a horse in the road! We all yell, Brett slams on the breaks, and the scraggly horse scampers off. Well, that just changed our perspective of this drive. So apparently, there are wild horses in New Zealand. Who knew? We slow it down and pass about 25 more horses along the road until we get to the lake. We set up camp, and pass out quick thanking God we made it there o.k.

 Hike tomorrow!!

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