Monday, May 27, 2013

DAY 46: Easter Break- Lake Waikeremoana

Its Sunday morning and the first Easter I have not gone to church. So strange. Also, the first Easter I have never gone to my Grandparent's house for our annual egg hunt and Grandma's Easter ham. I'm a little bit sad but I planned on calling them later to say hello. Plus, this little Kiwi girl took pity on me and

gave me a chocolate egg, so at least I got one egg this Easter!

We had to buy a water taxi ticket to get dropped off on the other side of the lake (which was not cheap by the way) but then we were on the trail! We had sort of put off planning this trip until the last minute, so not all of the campsites had enough room for us. This meant that we had to condense some of the hiking. The trail which should have been done in 3-4 days, we planned on doing in 2 and a half. Good thing I like hiking... !

The first day would consist of 9 hours of hiking; up to the top of the first mountain and down the other side to the campsite. The first hour or so was the roughest- all straight up. I took a short break to call my  family while I still had service. They were celebrating Easter on Saturday at home for driving and work purposes. 

FUN FACT #20: New Zealand is 17 hours ahead of New England. So when it is Sunday at noon for me, it is Saturday at 8pm for my family. 

My family got a kick out of my nudist colony experience- especially my Dad (no surprise there!)
We didn't chat long, but it was nice to hear all of there voices. I hung up and kept hiking.

When we got to the top, we stopped for lunch. The view was gorgeous and showed us the entire lake. There were a few people at the top who had heard that there was a wind gust off the cliff that would send anything you threw off of it back at you. They tried it out with a few flip flops and a tree branch. It actually worked! 

We hiked down the other side and made camp. Our feet and shoulders were very sore as we made some camping dried food and Ramen noodles for our Easter feast. It was no Easter ham, but it did the job. 

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