Tuesday, June 4, 2013

DAY 47-48: Easter Break and More Hiking

Today was 8 hours of more hiking. Lizzy and I had gotten to become pros at breaking camp- timed ourselves at 17 minutes to wake up, pack up, eat, and be on the trail. Serious talent right there.

Lizzy had just gotten new hiking boots and destroyed her feet with them. I gave her every bandaid I had with the disinfectant wipes my Mom sent me to New Zealand with (Lizzy thanks you Mom!) Never the less, she had to hike in her flip flops. So it took us a little longer than it should have, but we still had an amazing hike!

The next day, we finished the hike. It was a quick 2 hour walk to the water taxi pic up point. We hung out on the beach, got eaten alive by sand flies and got in the boat. The drive back to Auckland was just as terrifying as the ride to Lake Waikeremoana, but at least we knew what we were getting into this time. Our smelly selves picked up some Pizza Hut and were happy as clams and we drove past an amazing sunset :) Teaching the little ones tomorrow!

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