Tuesday, June 25, 2013

DAY 108: Cheating Death Once More- BUNGY!

The day didn't start off great when I melted a hair-dryer trying to dry out my hiking boots. Whoopsies. I  had to pay for it and also shrunk the sole of my shoe.

But I counteracted the bad Karma by giving a ride to a guy at our hostel to the nearest high way crossing so he could hitch hike to the glaciers, so I figured that might help.

We took some pictures at the beach of Lake Wanaka and we were on our way to Queenstown!

For the second time, I drove through The Remarkable Mountain range, oohing and ahhing the whole way. As soon as we got into town, Catherine and I immediately went to the AJ Hackett Bungy Jump Center.

When we walked in, the woman weighed us and had us sign our lives away. Her next question was, "When do you want to jump?"
"Well, when is your soonest opening?"
"25 minutes."
"25 minutes it is then!"

We parked the car and waited nervously in the lobby for the bus to come pick us up.

FUN FACT #54: The Nevis Bungy jump is 134 meters, or 440 feet. It is the highest bungy jump in New Zealand, and debated as the 3rd tallest in the world.

We got in the car and anxiously sang along to the pump up music as we made our way through The Remarkables again and turned off onto a dirt road. We followed that for a while, went up a huge hill, and were at the Bungy Jump Base.

Cat and I had a few options: do the Nevis Swing (which is one of the largest canyon swings in the world), the ledge bungy in Queenstown (which is only 90 feet) or the Nevis Bungy Jump. We figured, "Go Big or Go Home" and did the biggest one.

When we arrived, we were given harnesses to strap into. Then we went out onto a little deck area where a woman explained the rules.
#1- You HAVE to fall head first. No cannon balls, no pencils, --> head first with your arms out wide.
#2- On your second bounce up, pull the rope that is attached to your left shin. This will release your feet and keep you hooked by your harness at your waist. This will let you be pulled back to the suspension building sitting upright.
#3- When the winch comes down to pull you up, it makes a sound. Don't freak out, it's normal.

Alright, simple enough.
I can do that. Literally right when she finishes her speech, we are loaded into a small gondola that slides us into the middle of this suspension bridge thing to the jump building. At this point, I figured there were a few people to go before me, I had nothing to worry about, I can watch and learn.

I asked one guy the questions my Mom told me to ask.
"How often do you change the cord?" His reply was, "After 400 jumps"
"How old is my cord?" His answer, "Fairly new." Phew.

I saw one person go when the guy yells my name. I looked at Cat and walked over. He sat me down in a chair, wrapped up my shins to the cord, and told me to shimmy my way over to the edge. I was terrified.

"Put your toes on the edge there..."
"They are on the edge!"
"No, get closer, there you go."
"Holy. $#*t."
"Ok, ready? One, Two, Three..."

I knew that if I didn't go on "Three" I would be standing up there for 25 minutes trying to jump. We were right between these two huge mountains and there was a roaring river below me, and all I could think of was how pissed my Grandma was going to be.

On three, I just went for it. And I screamed louder than I ever had before. It was an 8 second free fall, and for the first couple seconds, my stomach was in my chest. It felt like a drop on a rollar coaster. Then I just enjoyed the ride. The river was getting soooo much closer, then before I knew it, it was slipping away again. I remembered my second bounce instructions and flipped myself upright. The ride up was beautiful as I dangled there for a couple minutes.

When I got back, I was speechless. This was definitely worth the money. I stood around and watched Catherine try to jump 3 times before making it off the pad. So funny.

When we got back to Queenstown, we walked around like we owned the place. Such badasses we were. We got some brunch, walked around the craft fair, and went up in the gondola (for me, the second time). Had Fergburger again! Delicious.

That night, I fell asleep in the hostel still wearing my coat and shoes at 8 o'clock.

The next day, Catherine and I flew home. We celebrated Mike's birthday, and then Catherine left a day later. So much fun while she was here, but now it's time for exams. Poopers.

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