Tuesday, June 4, 2013

DAY 53: Mangetepopo and Tongagiro Crossing

FUN FACT #21: Tongariro crossing is one of New Zealand's coolest and most unique national parks. It also happens to be where Peter Jackson filmed the scenes of Lord of the Rings that took place in Mordor.

FUN FACT #22: There are no trees in Tongario National Park.
A few of our friends had hiked the entire circuit on Easter Weekend, and we felt like it was something we had to do. I went online and found a place to stay for the night about 10 minutes from the car park at the base of the trail. It was called "Mangetepopo Camping School" so I figured we would be camping. But once I called, the woman became incredibly accommodating.

"Oh no, you don't need to camp. I'll have a cottage set up for the four of you. $20 each." Well, ok then!

We rented the car for myself and my friends Lizzy (the one I talk about all the time), Lizzy Fanning (the one I teach with at St. Michael's), and Emma.  We left around 3 or 4 o'clock and got to the Camping School at around 8 or 9.

I knocked on the door and this cute old lady came out in her bathrobe. She took our mullah, and pointed us the the direction of a nice little house. "We lit the fire for you a while ago, so the house should be nice and warm."

Wahoo! I had expected to be sleeping in a little lean-to shack-- a full house with multiple bedrooms, bathrooms, and a kitchen was definitely not what I was expecting. We dragged 4 mattresses into the room with the fire, hopped in our sleeping bags, and passed out. Lots of hiking tomorrow!

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