Monday, June 24, 2013

DAY 81: Delicious Food and the Hilton Hotel

After we checked out of our hostel, we went exploring around Queenstown. We had brunch at this great restaurant called Vudu and I found a candy store with ROOTBEER! God, how I missed that stuff. We had a lot of time to kill before we checked into our hotel, so we went and got hot chocolate at this place called Cookie Time. SO YUMMY.

Finally, we were too tired from our escapades the night before that we decided to try to get into the hotel early. I work at the Double Tree by Hilton at home, so I get the Hilton employee discount. When we discovered that they had a hotel in Queenstown, we just had to go.

When we pulled into the driveway, a man came out to take our bags and offered to park our car. We already felt like princesses (even in our El Cheapo rental car that was emitting strange scents when we drove up the hill in Milford Sound...) as we checked in. We got in our elevator, smiling the whole way up. When it got to our floor, we starting screaming down the hallway and received amused looks from the bellboy. (Whatever, haters gonna hate)

Our room was like paradise. The bathroom floor was heated! I swear, after sleeping on smelly mattresses and camping for 2 weeks, I could have slept right there on the tile floor and been happy as a clam. We snuggled up in the king sized bed and watched free movies all day. Jamie and I enjoyed a bag of Cheetos we had been saving that her parents had sent her. I took a bath!!! AND a shower because they had one of those shower heads that rains on you from the ceiling and I just couldn't choose which one to do!

We went into town briefly to go to Fergburger which had been rumored to be the best burger in New Zealand.

FUN FACT #45: Fergburger IS the best burger in New Zealand.

FUN FACT #46: Fergburger is open 20 hours a day to accomodate the intoxicated masses of Queenstown and their drunchies.

The food there is AWESOME. The burger is literally bigger than my face. We brought our own ketchup, of course, and it was heavenly. I mean, they didn't ask me how I wanted it cooked, but I was willing to overlook that. We all passed out in our cozy CLEAN beds that night in a food stupor.

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