Tuesday, June 4, 2013

DAY 52- Auckland Aquarium!

On this lovely Saturday morning, we decided to check out Kelly Tarltons's Aquarium! The last legitimate aquarium I had ever been to was Boston Aquarium when I was a little kid. So I was very excited to see it from an adult point of view- with my adult healthy fear of sharks.

As many of you know, Steve Urwin, the Crocodile Hunter (rest in peace), was killed by a sting ray. Now, prior to this visit, I wasn't really concerned about the sting rays. After seeing how big they get, I think its safe to say they freak me out about as much as sharks do. I mean, I saw a twelve foot long one that gave me an evil eye so scary it rivaled my Dad's. Uh-un, I only swim in water where I can see my feet, thank you very much.

Happy Feet doesn't lie- they really do like to sing Stevie Wonder ;)

man-eating sting ray



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