Tuesday, June 25, 2013

DAY 101: Raining on Cape Reinga

So we had all bought these "Sand Safari" tickets to take us on a tour bus around Cape Reinga. Unfortunately for us, it was raining ALL day. But that didn't stop us.

They drove us to Cape Reinga point to see the Tasman Sea and Pacific Ocean touch. We all ran up this hill with the wind pushing us back- - we felt like we were running in slow motion.

Hole-In-The-Rock is behind us!
We got pictures by the lighthouse, then hopped back on the bus for a ride to 90 mile beach. During low tide, the bus drives around on the sand and takes you by the "Hole-In-The-Rock" before they loop back to Kaitaia.

During the drive, the tour brought us to these giant sand dunes.

Tour bus lady, "So this is where I take you guys Sand Surfing. But I doubt you guys would want..."


She gave us these slippery boogie boards and told us not to aim for the bus. With the wind blowing us sideways and our bare feet sinking in the cold sand, we trudged up the hill. As an avid sledder, I was ready to rumble. What I wasn't prepared for was the sand face I would receive when I got to the bottom. Yuck, it was all in my ears and everything! Worth it though :)

 RANDOM- Had another crazy bus driver. She leaned out of the window to yell at her friend. She may of my not have used the N word. Why do we always get the nut jobs?

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